Protect your Business


Key Issues and Benefits if you set up our 360-Recovery solutions




Customers/clients require of their data to be safety

Good reputation with customers, the possibility to keep your clients and continue your business


Competitive and technology advantages and  positively differentiation from your competitors

Suppliers and partners are interested in continuity of your business

Good reputation with suppliers and partners as a reliable partner

Employees are interested in continuity and fast recoverability of your business

Good reputation with suppliers and partners

The information spreads about crisis incident or close call

Readiness to crisis, saving your data, money, clients, business continuity, peace of mind

Pressure from auditors and/or regulators who want to see some assurance that data recovery is not a problem

Having  no significant business interruptions if a crisis occur and readiness to show it the auditors

Having ability to maintain business continuity and data protection

Positive impact on the company's reputation and image

Applying the more advanced technological solutions

Leadership in your industry and enhancing your reputation and competitiveness

Having a complex managed solution including also data recovery and managed services

360-recovery, saving your data, money, clients, business continuity, peace of mind

Having Business Data Protection (BDP) and System Recovery solutions (SRS)

100% Guarantee of   going to be effective and efficient if a crisis occurs


For more information about our 360-Recovery solutions, go to:

Double Vaulting

Assisted Recovery


